pondělí 2. března 2015

Arduino Due rant and debouncing

Mostly ranting today. I wonder who came up with the brilliant idea to name Arduino Due this way. Did they realize that 'due' is regular English word, and googling up 'Arduino Due xxx', where xxx is a description of the problem, or a library name, will point to regular Arduino article that accidentally uses the word 'due'?
Yeah, I can use doublequotes, but I usually forget to do that. What will be the next great name? 'Arduino And'? 'Arduino The'? Or even better, 'Arduino Sex'? (Actually, that leads to interesting results in Google already). I am already pissed off with that misplaced connector problem (as I described few days ago), and I am more and more believing that those Italians should stick with what they do best (ice cream and pizza), and for gossake don't mess with electronics! (Just kidding, I still like Arduino).
Anyway. I spent a few hours adding button support, or better said debouncing, and using the button to switch between different screens on the display. I tried to use regular Bounce2 library, but that does not compile, and I didn't want to mess with the library. The easiest solution was to use my old debouncing code that also supports autorepeat. The code isn't mine, I found it years ago, and works like a treat. Just call this piece of code in regular intervals, like 10ms, and tweak the constants according to how often the code is being called. 
#define DELAY_REPEAT 25
void UpdateButtons (void) {
  static byte id = 0x00;
  static word key_counter = 0;
  byte c;
  c = GetButtons ();
  if (c == 0) {                   // No key pressed
    id = 0;
    key_counter = 0;
  } else if (c != id) {           // New key differs from previous one
    id = c;
    key_counter = 0;
  } else {                        // New key is the same as previous
  if (key_counter == DELAY_DEBOUNCE) {    // Debouncing complete
    Buttons = id;
  } else if (key_counter == DELAY_REPEAT_START) { // Repeated key
    Buttons = id;
    key_counter -= DELAY_REPEAT;
GetButtons() returns what buttons are pressed in form of bitmap. Global variable Buttons contains a bitmap of pressed buttons. When you process particular button, clear the corresponding bit in Buttons. The constants above are fine when calling the function every 10ms.
(I just looked up in my old sources that it's based on algorithm by guy KimmoHop from avrfreaks.org)

I reviewed the CR2032 node and noticed that there's a potential short circuit that might ground the analog input of the battery voltage measurement when wet. I fixed that, and will give it a try overnight. The voltage is 2890mV right now (it has changed a little after I cut the traces that were likely causing the problems, which suggests they actually had some conductance... or not?)

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